Bet On You

Fun fact: Hitting rock bottom doesn’t physically hurt.

Not so fun fact: Emotional, spiritual, and mental rock bottom sucks.

In just such a rock bottom moments, Laban Ditchburn sought help.

Sure, he had great friends, a great career, and weekends that would go down in the annals of history. But underneath it all, Laban was crippled by addiction. Drugs, gambling, drinking, sex, junk food, negative self-talk, limiting self-beliefs ruled his life, catalyzing countless acts of stupidity that nearly landed him in the grave.

This is the story of how one party boy went from zero to hero, and how you can too.

If you’re slowly spiralling out of control; if you’re not having nearly
as much fun as you used to; if you know you need a course
correct, like NOW; these raw, real-life stories will give you the
permission to change, all on your terms.

If you have a feeling deep inside that you’re destined for much
greater things…If you know there’s a reason for being on this
planet, this is YOUR time to take massive and courageous action.

Now is the time to Bet On You!

Additional Resources

Here are some of my favourite people and businesses that have been a huge part of my life, helped me tremendously and been a large contributor to my own success. 

Some of my favorite places and services. I’ve spent most of my adult life in Melbourne, Australia so the majority of connections exist there obviously.  However, whoever you reach out to, tell them Laban sent you so you get some extra special customer service 🙂  

Find out how you can transform your life too

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